4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo

4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo

4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo
Proloco Foglizzo
Comune di Foglizzo
4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo

50th 4 Days International Foglizzo 2023

Approval VA030 - VA031 - VA032 - VA033
Non-competitive track event recreational motor in free walk
open to all of Km. 168 – 89 – 44
Valid international competitons I.V.V.
For contests valid Piede Alato FIASP
24 - 25 - 26 - 27 AUGUST 2023
The only Italian 4 days
Trails from: 10,21,42 km


Days x km.
With recognition
Without recognition (I.V.V.)

1 x 10
10,00 €
4,50 €
1 x 21
10,00 €
4,50 €
1 x 42
13,00 €
8,50 €
2 x 10
14,00 €
8,00 €
2 x 21
18,00 €
12,00 €
2 x 42
20,00 €
15,00 €
3 x 10
19,00 €
14,50 €
3 x 21
22,00 €
16,50 €
3 x 42
26,00 €
19,50 €
4 x 10
25,00 €
18,00 €
4 x 21
31,00 €
21,00 €
4 x 42
32,00 €
24,00 €
Overnight stay
2 or 4 days
35,00 €
Contribution rest area services
25,00 €
* An exception to the rule relating to grants for various reasons to the services offered in the event
Please note that, as from 1th January 2012, only for non-members FIASP, are allowed to register for any event FIASP be obliged to buy the participation card with an extra € 0.50, by releasing their own name and date of birth, in order to fulfill the obligations in relation to D.P.C.M03/11/2012 - G.U.n°296/2010.
These amounts are not subject to VAT pursuant to the fourth paragraph of Article 4 of Presidential Decree 26/10/72, as amended.
Individual recognition
Local product, Certificate of partecipation, and, if completed four days, Medal
Award of the group with at least 5 participants
Special award:
10,20 and 30 years of partecipation (4 days)*
* "VirtualRace" editions are included in the count
Bronze Medal, Silver, Gold
25 years of presence**
** "VirtualRace" editions are not included in the count
Honorary Citizenship
Late registrations: 22 August 2023

•  OMOLOGATION: The event is non-competitive, not for competitions, there are no charts, and therefore will not be delivered merit awards.

•  START: The meeting will take place in the courtyard of the Castle, the start for the first day of racing is scheduled for 8.00 / 9.00 barring any changes, while daily will be posted on the bulletin board the time of the next day.

• ROUTES: The routes, always on different tracks, will take place on paved and dirt roads with little traffic and mostly shady and restful environment.

• CONTROL: Each member will receive a numbered card which will be stamped at checkpoints and surprise on the course.

• ASSISTANCE: Will be performed a thorough medical assistance, supervision at the crossings, assistance and fucks radio service. Along the way there will be continuously relays with the specific task of monitoring the potential needs of the participants and therefore decision on it.

•  INSURANCE: The insurance does not cover accidents of participants who do not adhere to the official starting times, do not have the participation card that read name-surname and eventual group of belonging, do not respect the distance of the set itineraries organization

•  DEADLINE: For the success of the event registrations will close mandatorily on 22 August 2023

•  REFRESHMENTS: There will be places of refreshment (7 for each path) with hot and cold drinks, sandwiches and fruit, while the arrival there will be a super-dining with spaghetti, broth, milk, wine and fruit with no added price on ' entry.


•  NIGHT: You can take advantage of the overnight stay.
Please note that places are limited to about 100 and you need to be equipped with sheets, blankets and pillows.
You can stay with caravan, camper, tent in an area adjacent to the Castle, where the producer organization authorization.

•  DINNER: You can dine every night in Foglizzo at a low price and with genuine menu. Thursday, August 24 welcome dinner, with all runners, in the hall of the castle.

•  HANDLING OF PERSONAL DATA: We inform you that, pursuant to section 13 D.Leg n ° 193/2003, the personal data to be entered on the registration card in the event, are only required for the fulfillment by the insurance company, in relation to the lists the participating people and concerning the accident prevention regulations invoked by the
D.P.C.M. 03/11/2010 published in G.U.n ° 296/2010. We recall also that the failure to provide such information at the time of registration, implies non admission to the event. This disclosure is intended acquired by the participant with the delivery of participation card and any manifestation FIASP.

•  INFORMATIONS : Associazione Turistica Pro Loco di Foglizzo - Centro Iniziative Foglizzesi – Via Castello, 6 – 10090 – FOGLIZZO (To)
INTERNET: www.prolocofoglizzo.it

E-Mail: info@prolocofoglizzo.it
oppure telefonare ai seguenti numeri:

+39 011 9883852 DEBERNARDI Roberto (also fax)

+39 335 5259895 DEBERNARDI Roberto (cellulare)

+39 339 3560533 MUSSO Renato (cellulare)


Registration for the event with the Participant declares to be aware that the same is covered by insurance R.C.T.V. and by insurance accident prevention stipulated by FIASP. The participant declares to be aware that the will of enrollment and participation in the event is considered the declaration and self-certification of physical fitness for this voluntary amateur sports and non-competitive. For both states to exempt the organizers, according to current regulations of the law that regulates health protection in the non-competitive sector (DM 02/28/93), to require compulsory medical certificate of good health, from civil and criminal liability for each physical event that can happen before, during and after the event, in particular the participant is aware that: will make an early departure than scheduled; that the chosen route will have to be made running or walking according to their ability or level of training; that can not be taken into considerazi- one claims for injuries caused by: failure to comply with the general rules FIASP; Failure to observe the rules of the Highway Code (Art. 190); since they did not meet the participation card (visible and showing the exact participant general); deviations of the path drawn and reported by the organizers.


Online registration Download the form
4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo
4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo
4 Giorni Internazionale - Coutdown

51^ ED. 22-25/08/2024


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